Giving Youth Soccer Players The Training They Need
714 Futsal is the only United States Youth Futsal sanctioned Futsal league in Orange County. Launching in May, 714Futsal goal is to help develop youth soccer players and not to compete with the outdoor game, but to support it and help player development.

Futsal has been an important tool for developing youth soccer players for decades — in Europe.
America has begun to realize the player development benefits of futsal and its sheer fun in the last few years. Talented youth players discover that futsal provides amazing training, increases endurance and enhances not only technique but also soccer IQ.
Abdelghani Toumi is the Technical Director for 714Futsal and believes strongly in the power of playing futsal. He holds a U.S. Soccer A License and is a U.S. Soccer Instructor and a former Development Academy (DA) Girls Director in Southern California.
A member of US Youth Futsal, 714Futsal is starting the Futsal revolution in Orange County, California. Established in 2018, 714Futsal is the largest futsal league in Southern California’s Orange County. Drawing players from all regions of the county, 714 Futsal provides a forum for players to learn the game of futsal in a competitive environment.
SoccerToday Interview with Abdelghani Toumi on 714Futsal
Diane Scavuzzo: What is your goal behind launching 714Futsal?
Abdelghani Toumi: The goal behind launching 714Futsal is not to compete with the outdoor game, but rather continue to support it and contribute to the enhancement of both games locally, regionally, and nationally.
714Futsal is launching in May, 2019.
In fact, we believe the outdoor game depends on futsal as supplemental training for the development of technical ability and decision making for all participants.
We believe, the past and current coaching of youth soccer players 6-years-old to 12-years-old has a flawed approach that focuses on the tactical advantage and ignores technical proficiency.
At 714Futsal, we aim to fix the flaw and fill the technical void for today’s aspiring youth players.
All coaches understand and agree that tactical play is dependent on the execution and proficiency of fundamental basic technical skills required for individual play and we aim to fulfill that need.
Diane Scavuzzo: Who is involved in 714Futsal?
Abdelghani Toumi: A member of US Youth Futsal, 714 Futsal is focused on player development. I am the Technical Director,
Our technical advisors and coaching staff have extensive experience in Futsal and youth coaching. All coaches hold national licenses and are risk management cleared. Our youth ambassadors are Grace Thao and Alyssa Huynh and both earned spots on the rosters of the US Youth Futsal National Team. They will be helping mentor and coach the youngers in sessions.
Diane Scavuzzo: 714Futsal is offering drop-in sessions without parents having to make a long term commitment. Can you tell us more about this?
Abdelghani Toumi: Our drop-in sessions are action and learning packed experiences.
Each session lasts 90 minutes and follows a carefully planned curriculum, led by professionally licensed coaches, and designed as interactive sessions for the purpose of understanding, technical execution, and individual problem-solving.
Diane Scavuzzo: What else does 714Futsal offer?
Abdelghani Toumi: Our league will have 3 seasons — Winter, Fall, and Spring — with an average of 300 teams a year.
We are still in the process of putting the final pieces together and we are planning to launch league play in winter 2019.
The aim of the 714Futsal league is to help player and coach simultaneously.
This is a novel approach that will have huge benefits to all involved. We believe Futsal is a player’s game that doesn’t rely on the coach to fix every breakdown.
Some of the recommendations we are exploring for this model are:
- Modifications of Goal Keepers rules for the purpose of technical development of attacking build up.
- A maximum # of players per team, to increase participation and experiential development.
- A coaching development program which would encourage
- Less interventions to promote intrinsic and independent decision making with a creative, street-soccer flavor.
- Plus intentional and deliberate game analysis benefiting all players – with a focus on the technical and tactical trends
Diane Scavuzzo: Why should soccer parents sign their kid up to play futsal and add to their already hectic soccer schedule?
Abdelghani Toumi: Soccer parents are usually committed to helping their kids develop. They want to give their children the best opportunities to develop their talents as a youth soccer player as well as a person.
At 714Futsal, we believe in and employ a holistically designed development model that builds the players personality as a leader and as an athlete.
Our mission is to increase each player’s intrinsic desire and motivation for technical execution while maintaining the joy for playing and learning without the pressures from external factors such as standings and winning and losing outcomes.
We use a proven methodology that ensures a soccer education and the development of the most fundamental qualities young children are in need to grow as confident and proactive leaders.
Additionally, we look to provide the development of effective coaching methodologies to have an impactful positive effect on the players.
For more information, please visit 714Futsal. Our courts are at the American Sports Centers at 1500 South Anaheim Blvd in Anaheim, CA.