New Jersey Olympic Development Program Looks For the Best Young Soccer Players in the State
Tryouts for the New Jersey Olympic Development Program (NJ ODP) are conducted every summer with the goal of selecting the best young soccer players in the state.
Save the Date for the New Jersey Youth Soccer 23/24 ODP Tryouts! Stage 1 Tryout dates will be held on July 29th, 30th and August 5th, 6th. If your child advances and is invited, Stage 2 of the tryouts are August 19th and 20th. Tryouts are open to players born 2007-2012.

Open tryouts for New Jersey Youth Soccer‘s 2023-2024 Olympic Development Program (ODP) will be held Saturday and Sunday, July 29-July 30th and August 5-6th for players born in years 2007 through 2012.
New Jersey Youth Soccer ODP Schedules and locations can be found here.
“We approach the tryouts with great optimism for the future of ODP.”
James Galanis, New Jersey Youth Soccer
According to James Galanis, ODP Technical Director, numerous changes at the state, regional, and national levels have been implemented to enhance our players’ experience at ODP. “Each year, talented and ambitious players from across New Jersey participate in ODP tryouts, and we strive to provide them with a fair opportunity to demonstrate their skills,” said Galanis. “The tryouts consist of small-sided and larger games, enabling players to showcase their individual qualities.”
Tryouts for talented youth soccer players will consist of Stage 1 (held on July 29th, July 30th, August 5th and 6th) and Stage 2 (held on August 19th and 20th).
New Jersey’s youth soccer players may be invited into Stage 2 based upon their assessment within Stage 1.
Stage 1 will consist of up to four (4) tryout sessions and Stage 2 will schedule up to (2) tryout sessions before teams are selected.
Great Advice: All trialists are encouraged to attend more than one session to further strengthen their chance of selection into the program.
According Galanis, players should visualize their goals before they start working towards them. “Envision the glorious and satisfying moments, and become unstoppable,” wrote Galanis on a recent Twitter post.
After a small registration fee of $25, youth soccer players will be encouraged to participate in all four (4) tryouts. Registered players for the ODP tryouts 23/24 will receive an ODP T-shirt which should be word during all the tryout phases.
Please click here to register for the 2023-2024 ODP Initial Tryouts.
The Olympic Development Program is an identification system linked to the United States Soccer Federation and US Youth Soccer. The program offers its players a pathway that could lead to representing Regional and U.S. Youth National Teams. Originally established in 1977, ODP was the first program in the country designed to identify potential youth national team players.

ODP players begin initially in the local sector before progressing to the state, regional and possibly national levels. By playing with like-talented athletes, ODP offers the opportunity for players to advance in their personal development and to be scouted by college coaches.
Lou Mignone is the ODP Coaching Director for NJYS.
Ultimately, NJYS ODP will select a group of elite male and female players from each age group to form the final state team that trains and competes throughout the 2023-2024 season. The program is scheduled to consist of 13+ hours of on-field training, four (4) tournaments and three (3) seminars including: Mental Toughness, Tactical Awareness and an ODP Success Story Seminar.
State team players will be considered for U.S. Youth Soccer East Region teams, which may offer opportunities for international competition.
Candidates are evaluated in four key areas:
- Technique
- Insight
- Mindset
- Athleticism
Players will be selected by NJ Youth Soccer ODP coaches who have been recognized for their ability to identify and train players with superior skills. Played selected for NJYS ODP will receive extra training and opportunities to showcase their development.

It is important to understand that ODP is not in competition with the player’s club team, but rather is a way to supplement player development, making players more effective for their respective clubs.
Efforts are made to minimize the schedule conflicts with players’ club soccer. In addition, ODP provides direct access to college coaches on the staff, at summer tournaments, special events and at ID camps. NJYS will also be hosting their College Recruitment Seminar for 2007, 2008 and 2009 ODP players.
NJ Youth Soccer is a National State Association body under U.S. Soccer, with U.S. Youth Soccer serving as the guiding leadership of ODP.

ODP players begin initially at the local sector before progressing to the state, regional and possibly national levels. By playing with like-talented athletes, ODP offers the opportunity for players to advance in their personal development and to be scouted by college coaches.
To find out more information about New Jersey Youth Soccer ODP readers can visit 23/24 ODP Tryouts Info.