NYPD Men’s Soccer Team vs FDNY Men’s Soccer Team
New York City FC will host a friendly match for the NYPD and FDNY men’s soccer clubs with proceeds donated to selected charities.
Soccer News: An annual friendly match between the NYPD and the FDNY men’s soccer teams will be hosted by New York City FC on Sunday, October 23rd.
The match will take place after the NYCFC versus Columbus Crew game that is set for 4:00 p.m. ET. The contest will raise money for each group’s respective charities.
About NYPD:
- The team plays in the Cosmopolitan Soccer League and is currently in second place.
- Head Coach: Carlos Villacres
- Manager: Ron Meija
- Charity: Widow’s & Children’s fund
- The Widows’ and Children’s fund provides aid and assistance to widows, widowers and eligible dependents of police officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty.
About FDNY:
- The team plays in the Long Island Soccer Football League (LISFL) and is currently in second place.
- Head Coach & Manager: Joe Brosi
- Charity: Sergio Villanueva Soccer Foundation
- The Sergio Villanueva Soccer Foundation was set up to recognize Sergio Villanueva, the FDNY Soccer team’s #10 and central midfielder. Sergio Villanueva passed away tragically during the events on September 11th.
- The charity serves as a way to educate the community on the tragedy of September 11th and recognizes the hard work of the all those who lost their lives that day.
Photo Credit: New York City FC