CDYSL Coaches Workshop on March 14 at Afrim’s Sports Park
New York Soccer News: A new venue, Afrim’s Sports Park, for the 10th annual event
Save the date! The Capital District Youth Soccer League(CDYSL), a proud member of the Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association (ENYYSA) since its inception in 1978, is pleased to present its 10th Annual Coaches Workshop on Saturday, March 14. The clinicians will be announced soon.

When the workshop first started in 2011, it was officially known as the CDYSL Coaches Mini-Workshop but the “Mini” was dropped from the name a few years ago as there’s nothing small about this event since it’s the largest gathering annually of Upstate soccer coaches. A representative from each of the CDYSL’s close to 400 teams––boys, girls and coed (youngest squads)––will be in attendance. The workshop is great preparation for the CDYSL Spring Season that kicks off in April.
The venue is Afrim’s Sports Park at 969 Waterliet-Shaker Road in Colonie. Registration begins at 8:30 am and the sessions will conclude by 1:00 pm.
Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association: With 100,000 youth soccer players–both boys and girls–and more than 25,000 volunteers, the non-profit Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association (ENYYSA) reaches from Montauk Point, Long Island to the Canadian border. Members are affiliated with nine leagues throughout the association, which covers the entire state of New York east of Route 81. ENYYSA exists to promote and enhance the game of soccer for children and teenagers between the ages of 5 and 19 years old and to encourage the healthy development of youth players, coaches, referees, and administrators.