New Jersey Youth Soccer: Making a Difference
“The Mission is to Inspire Players by Empowering Parents,” is the first words you see when you visit SOCCER PARENTING ASSOCIATION. Skye Eddy Bruce is the founder of the Soccer Parenting Association and is a passionate speaker who is able to relate to all sides of the complex issues in youth soccer. With her guidance, parents can begin to understand their enthusiasm and pushy nature can be a less than stellar quality on the sideline of the world’s beautiful game. In fact, being “that” parent can be rather destructive.
As part of a continued effort to enhance the youth soccer experience for its membership, New Jersey Youth Soccer announced a partnership recently with the Soccer Parenting Association. Through the relationship, clubs and parents will be provided valuable resources and information via access to the Soccer Parent Resource Center‘s coach and parent education platform.
“Our mission is to provide fun and safe soccer experiences at all ages and abilities for the youth soccer community,” said Evelyn Gill, NJYS President. “Soccer Parenting provides a resource for both club leaders and their parents that supports this mission. NJ Youth Soccer is excited to partner with Soccer Parenting as we continue to promote a standard of behavior that leads to a positive and healthy atmosphere for all participants in the game.”
The Soccer Parenting Association seeks to improve the experience for youth soccer players by engaging and supporting the players’ parents on topics related to the Body, Mind, Coach, Parent, Next Level and the Game, as well as providing education for coaches to establish positive relationships with players and parents.
“The investment New Jersey Youth Soccer is making towards positively affecting the lives of soccer players, families and dedicated coaches in New Jersey is commendable,” said Skye Eddy Bruce, Founder of the Soccer Parenting Association. “We are proud to work with New Jersey Youth Soccer and are encouraged by their commitment to improving the youth soccer landscape in the state.”
The Soccer Parenting Association believes that the top priority for all youth sport organizations should be a positive youth sporting experience where all children feel inspired, develop important life skills and establish healthy habits they will take with them for life.