SoccerToday Book Review: You Are The Ref SoccerToday Book Review: You Are The Ref

SoccerToday Book Review: You Are The Ref

YOU ARE THE REF 300 Footballing Conundrums for you

Ever thought you could do better than the ref? You Are The Ref – 300 footballing conundrums for you to solve is an excellent book for anyone who plays the beautiful game or likes to watch! With clear examples of grappling actions and tough calls to make, you become the ref. What fun! 

TOP RATING – Five Stars

Available on AMAZONKeith Hackett and Paul Trevillion’s new book You Are The Ref 300 contains 300 of the best and most tricky footballing dilemmas. It gives soccer lovers an insight into the unpredictable challenges a referee can face and the tough decisions he or she has to make. You Are The Ref 300 features illustrations by artist Paul Trevillion.



With 300 questions and the answers conveniently in the back of the book, You Are the Ref is fun for the whole team, your favorite referees and coaches, and the family.

Here is a sample question: A player stretches to strike a volley and steadies himself by leaning on you, lashing the ball into the net. Goal or no goal?

This new book follows up on the You Are The Ref series, which has appeared in The Guardian for as long as most soccer fans can remember. The highly successful first book was published in 2013.

Whether you want to quiz each other and take armchair refereeing to a new level or use these conundrums to learn and improve your soccer IQ, this new paperback book is a must-have for soccer lovers.

What Happens on the Soccer Field Never Stays on the Field

Debates erupt around the globe about referee calls, and these heated back-and-forth conversations can take place at an 8-year-old’s match or a Champions League game.

What is the player’s motivation? Offside or not? What does the naked eye see as compared to technology? How is the VAR (Video Assistant Referee) reporting the accuracy of reviewable decisions?  What are the benefits and limitations? Does the VAR always exaggerate and embellish incidents? Was the referee right?

This book takes the reader behind the scenes into the complex evaluation process of expert referees — with amazingly compelling illustrations worthy of framing.


Does Zlatan Ibrahimović’s Tail Make A Difference?

Question: An indirect free kick is aimed at the home side’s star striker. He misses the header, but the tip of his ponytail brushes the ball as it flies into the net.


YATR -Octopus books - Ibrahimovic on SoccerToday

Answer: The player’s ponytail has to be considered part of his person, and the rules do not specify the maximum permitted length of hair. It’s a goal.

This book offers an array of bizarre and entertaining incidents for you to ponder. It also takes the reader on a fun tour of the often controversial world of referring.

Trevillion’s Brilliant Illustrations

Paul Trevillion is the marvelous illustrator who brings Keith Hackett’s referee experiences to life. This is a powerhouse partnership like no other.

WAYNE ROONEY by Paul Trevillion on SoccerToday
WAYNE ROONEY by Paul Trevillion on SoccerToday
MESSI - pencil & ink by Trevillion 2018 on SoccderToday

For football fans of all ages, You Are The Ref 300 has great illustrations and questions. 

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